Dialogic D240JCTT1EW 887-531 (Used)
Dialogic D/240JCT-T1EW Single Span T-1 PCIe (PCI Express) digital telephony board
The D240JCTT1EW, 887531, is a Single Span T-1 ISDN PRI, PCI express telephony board with 24 channels of voice processing. The cards are often used in auto dialer, predictive dialer, IVR and voice mail applications. Features include:
- 4″ x 13″ – full length card
- PCI Express (PCIe) connector compatible with PCI Express x1 or higher
- 1 RJ48C connector
- Has CTbus for connection to and resource sharing with other CTbus cards.
- Install multiple cards in chassis for more than 24 lines.
- Can be used in Dialogic System Release 6 SU 171 or higher.
- One year warranty from Voice-Boards.com.
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Dialogic Product Information for the D240JCTT1-EW
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Categories: Dialogic Cards, Dialogic PCI Express Cards, Dialogic T1 PRI E1 PCI Express Cards, Dialogic T1/PRI Cards, JCT Combined Media Boards
Tags: autodialer card, D/240JCT-T1EW, D240JCTT1EW, Dialogic D/240JCT-T1EW, ISDN, PCI Express digital telephony card, PRI, Sangoma, T1, voicemail board